Seventeen participants, most over 60 years old, made eleven films with varying levels of technical support. Two people made their films between workshops at home and edited them themselves, others filmed theirs at the workshops, and some focused on their story with the facilitation team leading on the production. The theme chosen was ‘Sharing Joy’. In response to this several participants reflected on positive turning points in their lives, several chose to share their relationship with the natural world.  
The project team brought together learning from the filmmaking workshops and then held two held two-half day workshops for creative professionals working in community settings. They produced four extraordinarily different, intimate, fun and experimental films in response to a challenge designed to be quick and limited in scope; make a film in an hour that features a present being wrapped or a postcard being written, some photos and some interview. 
Screenings: Arriving by mini-bus, participants from one side of Bristol came across town for a joint screening and celebration. It was brilliant to see how varied and dynamic the films are. 
We will also be holding a friends and family screening on 3rd July at Watershed cinemas. 
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